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Description of the german module:

"Giving fair chances of development for each child – achieving integration and equality of opportunity by building respect and tolerance"




There is a growing awareness in our society that students lack a healthy self-confidence. At the same time, they are not able to treat their classmates, adults and conflicts respectfully and without violence. The reason for this is often the situation at home. This can be seen in the way students behave in lessons and how students treat each other and their teachers. Teachers and students alike can tell you about insults, bullying and irresponsible behavior among students. Students who are habitual truants can eventually become dropouts and this too, is an irresponsible behavior concerning their own future. It is not enough to just teach subjects and facts at school, but we have to train the social and coping skills of our students, so they can succeed in life and work on a positive future for themselves.


Because of the wars in Syria and in the Chechen Republic, as well as other changes, our school and many other schools in Germany were facing and still are facing the task of integrating children from these conflict areas. Students from our region around Finowfurt respond to this situation in manifold ways. Likewise, there are new citizens who make every effort to become integrated while others seclude themselves completely. The reactions go from total rejection to openness and friendliness. A negative attitude is most often acquired at home. This is where our topic “RESPECT-TOLERANCE-INTEGRATION” comes into play. We try to show and to teach that integration can only work on the basis of mutual respect and tolerance. This is true for our school community and for society in general. In the course of our first meeting in Germany the school in Finowfurt presented strategies for unity, respect and tolerance. Only those who feel well and accepted at our school as an institution will participate in school life actively and joyfully.

Presentation of the german module

Continuity of the project in the Finowfurt School

The Project Module RESPECT-TOLERANCE-INTEGRATION and how it continued


Our teaching staff of year 9 focused on “tolerance” in a unit in English and also in general, as far as the interaction of students is concerned.


You can see the posters that the students worked on in the hallway of year 9 (see pictures). It is evident that the subject became an important topic for the groups – even on the doors to the classrooms.

Posters, showing the results of the work of the students, year 9.

Another example in eTwinning: Teachers of the partner countries watches posters of students to

the topic: Respect- Tolerance- Integration.

2019 62nd Junior High School of Athens

Tel: +2103478171 | Fax: +2103478174

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