Description of the hungarian module:
"Early performance measurement of language learners to prevent early school leaving"
Our topic is grading system. We have investigated how the grading system can help to prevent dropping out of school. The preliminary tasks were about “dream schools” and the grading systems in the partner countries. Children had to make five-minute videos about the school they dream of – a school without bullying, one with useful subjects and modern gadgets. Teachers and students took an online test about the efficiency of the grading system of their schools. Both the students and the teachers thought that grading should be more motivating and more personalized. The Hungarian delegation has started to try new methods of grading. We are looking forward to our long-term results.
Presentation of the hungarian module
Future perspectives and future suitability in Hungary
Our Erasmus + strategic partnership has contributed to our school's
The reasons for early school leaving have been specifically investigated and addressed both
the school management as well as the teachers colleagues with this topic consciously
have dealt with.
The strategies tried and learned in the partner countries have been incorporated into the
Lessons and also on a special Erasmus project day on 13 October 2018
at our Gymnasium by involving all colleagues and all students tried.
Experience has shown that many students have valued us positively for their
Opinion and questioned them. They felt taken seriously by it and
Participated in the method tests very much and actively.
The Erasmus partnership and the learned and tried strategies came along
Students and teachers closer. It started a more open conversation, both sides opened in the
Direction of others. This is absolutely positive. Since at our school the
Main causes of early school leaving often lie outside the school (family,
financial problems, illness), open and honest communication is most important.
From the ideas developed in the Erasmus project came to us the processing of the topics
"Respect and Tolerance", "Dream School", "Performance Evaluation" and "Development of the
digital skills ", because at our school these topics are effective
meaningful solutions for avoiding school disinterest. But also the topics
"Development of Reading Competency", "Sport as a Motivational Tool for Students" and "Languages
learning with music "was well received by both the teachers and the students. she
had a lot of fun.
Interesting and very instructive for us were the school visits and the very honest
and open talks with foreign colleagues. We have very good ideas everywhere
and procedural methods with problem pupils, which we also included when possible
would like to introduce us. Such were for example the Schulhortsystem, the Mensa, the
Learning support in Germany, in the Netherlands dealing with problem pupils ("red
Card "), sport as a motivational tool and as a kind of team building for students who
Implementation of fair play in the classroom and in the way students interact with each other. In
Greece and Spain have given us the enthusiasm of colleagues and the family
School atmosphere fascinates where students can feel well protected.
In the future, we will continue to develop our learned strategies, ours
Adapt conditions as far as possible and pass them on to interested colleagues.
Already we have an internal school database with the results, tasks and
Ideas of our Erasmus project that colleagues can access freely. We also have
Starting in 2020 with a new Erasmus project to continue the work started and the
Exchange of experiences with foreign schools (preferably with the partner schools
this project).