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1st Meeting - Germany

Student workshops in Finowfurt

All students of the guest delegation and of the school in Finowfurt participated in this workshop. The age range included the classes 7, 8 and 9. The common language was English, but German was spoken too. In principle, these exercises can be done with students of any age.


The workshop was split into three parts:


1. Defining the meaning of the words respect, tolerance and integration.


2. Mission: “Being respectful and acting respectfully” with questions and instructions.


3. Role plays about disrespectful and respectful behavior.


First, the participants of our workshop had to realize what the word “respect” actually means (see topic “Respect-tolerance-integration in the project details and accordingly in the exercises of the student workshop under “instruments”). Each delegation discussed the meaning of the respective words “respect, tolerance and integration” and wrote down the results on a flipchart.


















Translating the term “respect” into the languages of the partner countries.


 During the second phase the participants practiced being respectful to each other in this way: only the person who held a ball of wool was allowed to talk and after saying something the person had to pass on the ball of wool. The students had to ensure that almost every participant had said something. In the end a web of communication had developed.















  •  It’s how you treat others

  •  It’s being considerate of people’s feelings.

  •  It’s recognizing the value of people, property, the environment and yourself.

Teacher workshop in Finowfurt

On the occasion of our Erasmus+ project “EDUCATION – the key for your future!”, we worked with professor Dr. Angelika Köhnke from the University of Potsdam who prepared and taught a lecture on the topic of: “Reasons for school reluctance and for dropping out of school prematurely”.

The team of the Erasmus+ teachers from Turkey, Spain, Greece, Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary (from the left) in front of the department of Psychology for Primary Education, University of Potsdam / Dr. Angelika Köhnke (4th from the right).


In the course of the teacher workshop we studied

 1. the terms “school absenteeism”, truancy, school refusal and restrain. A second important topic was

 2. social discrimination and family problems, school as a community and the influence of peer groups as a factor, as well as psychological and social consequences. The third topic was

 3. educational prevention and intervention in school and the milieu

 4. conditions that a school can create


In a summary of the lecture it was stressed that truancy is not a problem that newly develops at secondary schools but that starts earlier, at primary school, as a longer chain of misconduct and failure.


A PowerPoint presentation is gladly available upon request from the school in Finowfurt. The lecturer is interested in our project research and would like to teach the latest results to her students. We are thankful for our collaboration with the University of Potsdam.

Teachers of the six partner countries in the University of Potsdam during the PowerPoint presentation of Prof. Köhnke.

2019 62nd Junior High School of Athens

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