2nd Meeting - Greece
Project activities, Project objectives and results related to the thematic focus of Greece
Project activities, Project objectives and results related to the thematic focus of Greece
The Greek team focused upon one of the basic skills of Education, Reading. More specifically during the meeting in Athens in April 2-8 2017, the project of the 62nd High School of Athens dealt with the issue as follows: "Increase of reading skills – development of different motivational techniques for the acquisition or improvement of the skill of reading".
Our school has performed smaller, internal projects before the Erasmus + project aiming at promoting the Reading skill for the students. The positive results achieved during those past projects, encouraged the group of teachers to deal further with the issue through the Erasmu + project; further on, the idea came up to enable colleagues from the partner countries to participate with their proposals within the framework of exchange of good practices between the partner schools.
During the preparatory phase of the meeting, different aspects of this issue were edited as planned by all partner schools. These included:
An online questionnaire for 300 pupils from all partner countries on Reading, (reading behaviour, reading motivation, reading habits, etc.). The results could give us an insight into the following: a) What similarities or differences has the reading behavior of the students at an international level. b). How accurate is teacher assessment regarding students’ reading behavior, etc. The survey results were presented during the Athens meeting.
A guidance of students in order to become aware of the ambiguity of the term "Reading": What is the meaning of "I can read"? Students from all partner countries reflected upon and discussed the issue of the multifarious meanings of the same word under the guidance of their teachers. They compiled the results of whole sentences, phrases, or simple tags – then translated into English or German and sent to Athens. The Greek students were inspired by the theme and created giant wall posters and exhibition panels; in this way, all the results were visible in the school corridors and school yard. Thus, all participants had the opportunity to view the final product of this work during the meeting in Athens.
Quotes, proverbs, aphorisms (including Authors’ sayings) on education or Learning formed another task in the run-up to the Athens meeting. Students dealt with views and opinions on the topic of education about the Reading task and decided which ones they considered as representing their own attitudes. These were written also in German and English and sent to Athens. During the preparatory phase the Greek students created at their school entrance the "tree of knowledge" of the Erasmus +, in which the quotes, sayings and aphorisms were depicted in the languages of the partner countries. Thus, all meeting participants had the opportunity to read them.
Presenting an important literary text or a writer or poet of each partner country considered notable for world literature was another task of the project. Students involved in this task dealt with the literary heritage of their own country and contemplated upon its individual components as perceived through their relevance at an international level. Through this task, students contributed by creating a work which represented their school and their country in a number of ways. The final product of this task shown in Athens included power point and video presentations. The actual result was finding ways to make students curious about learning.
The actual theme of the 62nd High School of Athens was extensively processed based on four workshops during the Athens meeting.
In the First of these Workshops was sought to make clear the relevance of Literacy, i.e. the ability to decode the written text– as the basis of reading skills and comprehension.
In the 2nd Workshop was shown the transcription or paraphrase of texts into comics as an alternative method of approaching and working with the written work. (As a preparation for this workshop the Greek school had already carried out a Workshop with two well-known Greek comic artists. The workshop, attended by students, worked as a kind of training for our colleagues who in turn acted as multipliers during the Erasmus + week.)
Finally, the 3rd Workshop worked on the dramatization of texts, as another extremely motivating method for working with texts.
Furthermore using the ancient Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus, a number of aspects and approaches were mentioned: the aspect of Science in the myth (echo), the aspect of depicting the myth in painting by Italian, Hungarian, Spanish artists, the aspect of narrating the same story from different angles in written form, the content of the myth concerning Narcissism/egocentrism and further on, nationalistic rhetoric. Dramatization included the echoing (repetition) of the same word in the languages of the partner countries.
Finally at the 4th Workshop students under the guidance of their teachers were involved in the rendering of a text in movement (and for that matter, texts giving instructions) as an alternative method for approaching a written text and promoting reading.
The objectives set by the 62nd High School within the framework of its thematic focus have been achieved. This is proved on the one hand by the pupils’ active participation in the works carried out before and their final products. On the other hand, the successful implementation of the workshops emerged from the results as well as from the motivated participation and the very positive feedback by the parters.
Student and Teacher workshops in Athens
Content item: “increase reading skills – development of different motivational techniques to the acquisition or improvement of the skill of reading”
Workshop1 ·: “Alpha, beta, gamma…”-a literacy test as an example of the oldest spoken European language, the Greek language.
Goal of this workshop was the participants of the importance of literacy to make familiar ability of Entkodierungdes written – as the basis of any reading skills and comprehension -.
During the workshop, the participants had the opportunity in a playful and entertaining way with a new unknown alphabet to deal. At the same time, they had to determine the opportunity and the following:
To cope with the essential importance of reading alone for the everyday life (recognize own name read a street sign or a product description, etc.).
(b). Even not as hard as it is perhaps originally a (new) Alphabetistoft. Decoding of Greek words that it happen as loan words in their own language gave the participants an immediate sense of accomplishment and increased the motivation to continue and a private Greek alphabet – or Word folder to create.
(c). The workshop was very successful. All participants were very motivated and the objectives have been achieved.
Workshop 2: “As Daedalus and Ikaros”-rewrite texts in comics.
This creative form of text production, which is not to be confused with free writing requires the total reading, as well as the understanding of the original text and adds its own subjective acts intended to better comprehension. That is, first and foremost, it concerns a productive text reception.
Participants have in this workshop in various forms of work (individual work, group work) deals with the conversion of text in comic. You have worked very motivated in their international group and were able to achieve very good results at the end of the workshop. These
Results were recorded in the form of comic books, which were then copied and given with each partner school. The text work idea that emerged from this workshop, turned out to be highly motivating for all participants. The students were very proud of their group work results. For the teacher, who participated, this method of work was new and she proved popular with them.
Workshop 3: “Echo and Narcissus” – Dramatization of texts.
The dramatization of texts is a method often applied in the teaching of foreign languages. It’s a motivational method, which is to move students to so-called “total read”. At the same time, the primary purpose of the activity, the scenic representation of a text, which rather passes performing game as to the education Theatre in the school context, implies a deeply poignant discussion process with the respective text. Especially in children and adolescents, this form of work has a special relevance, as she seems on the one hand to arouse their interest and therefore motivating influences, and at the same time significantly contributes to their aesthetic education. The text that was modified in our workshop, was a revision of the text “Echo and narcissus” by Ovid.
The workshop could both really appeal to young people as even the teachers who took part, and motivate to participate.
Workshop 4: “Let’s Dance” – a text put in motion to.
Instructional texts / relevance of images in enhancing text comprehension.
In the context of this workshop the participants dealt with a text, which included very detailed instructions on the implementation of sequences of a traditional Greek dance. The goal of a common group dance proved to be a very motivating effect for the participants. For the carrying out of instructions a “total reading” and comprehension of the text is also required. In this type of text images play an extremely enhancing role in text comprehension. In this sense, the text comprehension by the participants was supported by a video. And the result, that is group dancing, not only amused the attendees, but also gave them a sense of achievement for their performance.