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School vegetable and herbs garden

"School vegetable and herbs garden"

Our school is located in one of the most densely populated areas of Athens and its green spaces are very limited.  We decided make the best out of them.  Thus, within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, a Horticulture and Botany team was created.

During the program, the children, with the help of the most experienced teachers, took care of, cared for and organized their garden.

In brief:

  •  The area was cleared by weeds.

  •  Stones, cement and other materials were removed from the ground to make room for proper soil.

  •  During the first year (2022) tomatoes were planted and a small rock garden with Mediterranean herbs and flowers that attract bees was built.  The students learned about planting and transplanting, the seasons in which we plant vegetables, fertilization and soil care, while at the same time they chose the most suitable plants for the soil and the orientation of our garden.

  •  During the 2022-2023 school year, the team was renewed and classes that showed interest in this activity offered valuable help.

  •  This year's crop has been renewed.

  •  A nursery was created and new species were transplanted into the ground.

  •  Explanatory signs were placed on the plants of the rock garden. 

 During the visits of the cooperating schools, planting and botany workshops were held, with an emphasis on the Mediterranean flora.  A symbolic but also essential tradition of our school, which is preserved in every partner visit, is the planting of young olive trees.  Our school's Principal and visiting teachers' team participate in this planting, as a gesture of friendship.

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