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"Build Your App, Teach Your Students How to Build Their Apps!"

The epicentre of our project's environmental goals is the Upcycling Network of our school, that has been developed during the last year. It is a network that spreads throughout our whole school's community, and is administrated by the students themselves. 

Connecting our interest of a sustainable future through environmental responsibility with digital literacy and innovation of both teachers and students, our team searched for a training course with which we could develop a digital application suitable for our project's needs. Specifically, we wanted to create an application that we could use for our Upcycling Network. Therefore, we attended the "Build your own app" course (link), during which we learned how to built an application using an MIT programming tool (link) that does not require coding experience. 

The course included:

-familiarising with basic programming concepts

-acquiring modular visual programming skills

-learning how to use MIT App Inventor platform

-designing different types of apps from simple to more complex levels, using the tools offered

-methods of integrating the attained knowledge in class. 

After our training, our team indeed developed an app for the Upcycling Network. With that app our community can see all objects that are currently available for upcycling and reuse, make their own offers or ask for any object that interests them. A team of students was also introduced to MIT App Inventor during the development of the application by our Informatics professor, through the methods that we were trained to use in classroom. 

Currently, our school's community is using the app with enhanced involvement and interest, making the best out of our training in that matter.

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